Friday 16th April 2010
We departed Tobemory early in order to catch the 8:45 ferry to Oban. Thank goodness we weren't flying, or we'd still be there. On the ferry trip back we saw Razorbills and a lone Gannet in addition to the stuff we saw on the first trip. We stopped in Oban to search for the overwintering Ring-billed Gull, but our search was in vain. This added to my two dips of the "easy" Westcliff bird. Around 20 Black Guillemots were swimming in and around the harbour, probably my favourite auk (sorry Puffin fans).

Black Guillemots at Oban
Not learning from our previous holiday wildfowl failures, we decided on a last attempt at glory with a cross-Scotland twitch to Ruddon's Point for Surf Scoter. We spent an hpur or so scanning through thousands of Common Scoter, but it became evident it was not to be our day (maybe the dolphins had tipped them off?). A couple of Great Crested Grebes and my best ever views of Velvet Scoter brought up 100 species for the holiday for me (Gary & Adam had seen owls and stuff whilst I was asleep, so they already had 100+). We eventually began the long journey back to Norwich.
Velvet Scoter at Luddon's Point
Jerry's final thought
.I can remember as a kid being asked where I would most like to go on holiday, and ignoring all of the more exotic alternatives to say "Scotland", wanting to see eagles and grouse. I've finally done it, and it was excellent. However, Norfolk is where its at, so here's to an excellent springs birding!
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